Planned Giving

Stewardship of our Parish

 ♦ Giving - Electronic Methods

 ♦  Credit Card Form

 ♦  Direct Debit Form

Please complete and return to the parish office.


Making our Vision Come Alive!

"We love because God first loved us" [1 John 4:16] God has called us into existence. All that we have and possess ultimately comes from God. It is from this core belief as Christians that we are able to respond to God's great love in a spirit of thanksgiving. Indeed, the heart of our Christian life, the Eucharist, means just that - thanksgiving.

In our parish community we can respod to God's love in three ways" by offering our time, talent and treasure. We offer our time and talent in service and ministry. We also contribute to the material needs of running a parish through planned giving.

In recent times the word 'stewardship' has been used. Stewardship reminds us that we have been entrusted by God to look after and care for the spiritual and material needs of the parish. Stewardship is also a concept that reminds us that the spiritual and the material cannot be separated. Our planned giving allows us to provide the pastoral and spiritual services that our parish seeks to offer. Finally, stewardship is a reminder that we all have a responsibility for the well-being of our parish.





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