

Sacrament of Confirmation 

This Sacrament, which, like Baptism, can be received only once, welcomes your children into a new stage in their relationship with Jesus and with the Church. Jesus pours out on your child a special gift of the Spirit of love that he shares with his Father. According to the present practice of the Church, and as the name ‘Confirmation’ implies, your children are now saying ‘Yes’ to the gift you gave them when you brought them to the baptismal font and welcomed them into the Church. 

Our proposal is to continue teaching all that is related to the Sacrament when your child is in Year Six (a teaching that will be repeated throughout Secondary School). While the children are learning about the Sacrament, we will offer you, their parents, an opportunity to reflect again, as adults, on the meaning and beauty of the Sacrament. This will place you in a better position to guide and nurture your children on their spiritual journey.

We are confident that this will add to the joy you experience in guiding and nurturing your children in other areas of their maturing. 

Some children will be ready to receive the Sacrament in Year Six. Others will not be ready to make the commitment that the Sacrament implies. Freed from the automatic assumption that Confirmation is something that all children receive in Year Six, the children will be freed from the pressure of wanting to do what all the others are doing.

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