Weekly Bulletin

St John the Apostle Parish
Missionaries of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Established 1972

13th Sunday in Ordinary Time                          Year B
30 June 2024                                                       #31.24

Faith and Healing

Today we are presented with two intertwined stories of faith and healing: the resurrection of Jairus' daughter and the healing of the woman with a haemorrhage

The woman in the story suffers from a chronic and severe physical complaint, an unending flow of blood, which has left her physically weakened, emotionally drained, and spiritually desolate. Her condition not only affects her health but also ostracizes her from society, rendering her ceremonially unclean according to Jewish law. Her desperation drives her to seek out Jesus, believing that merely touching his garment would heal her. This act of faith, despite her fear and societal restrictions, is testament to her profound hope and determination for a better life.

For many of us, there are aspects of our lives that mirror the woman’s condition, draining our energy and preventing us from reaching our full potential. These could be unhealthy relationships, addictions, lack of confidence, grudges, or emotional instability. Such issues can create a constant outflow of energy and emotion, akin to a personal haemorrhage, leaving us exhausted and spiritually depleted.

The woman’s story in Mark’s Gospel offers a powerful reflection on the need for healing and restoration. Her faith in Jesus and her belief in his power to heal brings about a miraculous change in her life. This story encourages us to seek out the sources of our own haemorrhaging, to identify the areas in our lives that drain us, and to have the courage and faith to seek healing.

Just as Jesus responded to the woman with compassion and restored her to health, we too can find solace and strength through faith, community support, and personal growth. By addressing the aspects of our lives that drain us and seeking help, whether through prayer, counselling, or supportive relationships, we can begin the journey toward healing and wholeness. Calling on God to heal what needs healing within us.

Based on: Have you thought? What’s my haemorrhage? By Greg Sunter


 May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be everywhere loved……….forever! 



Jesus says, “Ask, and you will receive; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks will receive; whoever seeks will find; and the door will be opened to anyone who knocks.” These are the words dictated by my love, which is more eager to give than people are to receive.

It hastens to open the door for them, afraid they might have to wait too long. Note how my love multiplies its promises in order to make you more confident in asking for the graces you need, and to prepare you to receive them. If you want to become perfect, raise up to me the cry of your distress; lay your needs before me, and I promise you my help without fail.

Jules Chevalier msc. 
Ecole du Sacr -Coeur, p. 145f  Issoudun, 1892



Do not be afraid: have Faith


Our readings today remind us that our God is a tender and loving God. 

In our Gospel, Jesus heals an ill child. An anxious and loving father sought after Jesus so that his daughter might be cured of her illness. Recall a moment when you felt like you hit rock bottom. Maybe you received devastating news, someone died, you lost your job, you were fighting addiction, or you were suffering mentally, spiritually or physically. Maybe you are living that moment or maybe that moment is yet to come.

In that time, imagine Jesus looking at you and saying, “Do not be afraid; just have faith.”  Whether we are healed like the little girl in our Gospel in this life, or we carry our suffering with us until we reach the next, if we remain faithful, Jesus will one day say to us, “Little girl or little boy, I say to you, arise!”

In the midst of our suffering, God is right there with us.




Archbishop Christopher Prowse
Pastoral Visit to Kippax and Charnwood Parishes 
Archbishop Christopher Prowse will visit Kippax and Charnwood parishes between 4-7 July. He will also be visiting the primary schools. 

There will be a combined meeting with Kippax and Charnwood parishes various councils and the Archbishop.

1st Friday of every month 9:30am  
Sacred Heart Devotion 
The heart is the centre of our being, and the seat of our emotions and love.

The Sacred Heart of Jesus symbolizes his great love for humanity. Jesus initiated this devotion out of his great love for us.

What's with the blue bins?

Due to increasing demand, your local Vinnies group is introducing a new initiative called "One Thing More' into the Parish. The idea is that you buy one thing more when doing your weekly / fortnightly grocery shop, which you drop into one of the blue bins when you come to Church. It shouldn't be expensive (eg a bag of pasta that's on 'special', a can of tuna etc), but it does need to be non-perishable. Vinnies will collect the donations and distribute them to people calling us for help during the week. It's a very small thing, but if enough people contribute, then together we can make a big difference.

POETRY, PRESENCE & PAYDAY: Aquinas on the Eucharist 
Rev Dr Joseph Vnuk OP 

To mark the occasion of the 750th anniversary of St Thomas Aquinas and to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the St Thomas Aquinas Parish Charnwood 

July 18 2024 - 7:00pm St Thomas Aquinas Primary School Hall 
RSVP: charnwood@cg.org.au by July 10

Position Vacant - Janitor/Groundsperson –
St John the Apostle Primary School, Florey 

39 hours a fortnight 

8.00am to 3.00pm, 3 days a week. 
Permanent, includes most school holidays. Applications closing 24 June. 
Please contact Matthew Garton, Principal, for more details.
Matthew.Garton@cg.catholic.edu.au or 6258 3592

August 7 |2024 | 6PM Tim Fischer Oration on
Ethics in Public and Political Life 

Speaker: Professor Helen Alvare, Levy Endowed Chair in Law and Liberty at Antonin Scalia Law School, George Mason University Virginia USA
Q&A: Chris Uhlmann, Political Journalist and TV Presenter For more information & tickets visit www.tfo.org.au

Archbishop's St Mary MacKillop Pilgrimage 
Our Lady Star of the Sea Church 
88 Calle Calle Street Eden

Saturday 3 August 2024 leaving 

St Christopher’s Cathedral by own transport at 7:30am Bookings: https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing/1228948?

Save the Date: 8 August 
Archdiocesan Women's breakfast with Dr Helen Alvare

Thursday, 8 August, 7.30 - 9.00am Join us as we explore meaningful connections, marriage, family, career, mission and community-building. More details to come!
Contact: communications@cg.org.au

Connecting with people living alone 
2nd Tuesday of the month Coffee Group 
9 July at 2:00pm
Ichi Café at Kippax Contact: Barbara Mawson 6254 7989 

3rd Sunday of the month gathering 
21 July at 4:00pm – 5:30pm Parish Centre
Thursday 4 July 2024 
Contemplative Prayer with the Blessed Sacrament  
7:30pm – 8:30pm 
Could you not stay awake with me one hour. 
Matt 26:40

Pins & Needles 

Monday 15 July – 7:15pm
Parish Library

St John the Apostle Women’s Breakfast 
Tuesday - 23 July – 7:30am 

 Bean Origin 

5/32 Nettlefold St, Belconnen

St John’s Friendship Group 

next meeting on Wednesday 31 July for Mass at 9:30am, 
followed by morning tea in the parish centre. 

Please come and join us, you are all most welcome. 
Please bring a plate to share.  

in the parish library.

Relax, Review, Reflect 

We will be watching 
Rumulus, my father
Friday 28 June - 7:00pm

No cash? No problem. 
Use the Tap machine. 
Help support your parish financially through regular giving. 
Telephone the parish office for more details.

 Bequest  Have you ever thought of leaving
a Bequest to your parish?

By remembering your faith community in your Will, you contribute to the spiritual legacy that has enriched your life. Your bequest ensures the continuation of the traditions, teachings, and support that have shaped your journey.

Fertility Care Program

Do you want to know more about how your menstrual and fertility cycle works?

Are you looking for something to manage your fertility that is entirely natural?

The FertilityCare, Creighton Model System (CrMs) is based upon the knowledge and understanding of naturally-occurring phases of a women's fertility and infertility.

To find out more or arrange a consultation please text 0474 728 868 or email mianuvicare@aol.com . Further information available at


 Becoming Catholic  
If you or you know someone who would like to become Catholic,
please contact the parish office for more information. 


7 July          Acolyte Roster


John Hogan, Rodney Gardiner


Lourdes Asoy, Victoria Gonzales


Elaine Carter, Maxime Kpudzeka


Sabina Van Rooy, Peter Le


7 July          Lector Roster


Fay Padarin, Marian England


Elizabeth McDonald, John O’Heir


Frank Colley, Robin Williams


Joe Ots, Busi Nkomo


7 July          Ministers of Communion


Judy Netting, Chitra Jayawardena


Bernadette Murnane, Pat Cowburn


Anthony Noakes, Shovin Weerawarnakula


Joy McInerney, Peter Igoe-Taylor

7 July          Hospitality Roster


Kay Dwyer, Chitra Jayawardena


Carmel Screen, Rob Breen


Libby Kain, Margaret Sheehan


Christine Lancaster, John McGee


7 July          SJAShop


Lynn O’Brien


Marilyn Calliess





Weekly Rosters

Altar Society

30 June

Chioma Nnajide

Church Cleaning:

1 July

Joseph Le Van Hai,
Lanh Dang,
Sam Van Nguyen

Let us pray for those who are sick - we remember them in our Masses.

Recently Deceased: Marian Gerstenberg   


John Lazaro, Mildred Holland, William Edmunds, Rohan Murphy, Norah Keneally, Garrick Kelly, Rebecca Malone, Jan McDonough, Stanley Howell, Narelle Karling, Lynne Williman, Philip Connolly, Daniel Worner, Catherine Farrugia, Nigel Smith, Gilbert Hall, Patrick Salmon, jean Irvine, Hortencia Cid, John Bell, Jack Synnott, Elizabeth Dennison, John O’Brien, Steven Argy, Joe Mewburn, Rosalie Callaghan, Constance Crowe, Gertrude Czarnik, Conner Cooke, Anne Patterson, Sam Ford, Elsie Bingham, Christopher Davis, Mary Ryan, Josephine Allester, Doris Galea, Mollie Paterson, Marie Richards, Chris Penders, John McEnaney, Leon Nguyen, Linda Dawson, Bernard Armstrong, Thomas Hallahan, Laurence Swift, Victoria Norton, Bede Stinson, Lionel Carberry, Jan Kurzynski, Joan Ferguson, Catherine Raadts, Josephine O’Kane, Monique Pearce

Mass Intentions the week of 1 - 7 July


Mon 01/07

Mary Sumitra, Raman Nicholas &
Christopher Perera

Wed 03/07

Irene Jayawardena

Thur 04/07

Hugh Sweeney

Fri 05/07

Doris Galea


Sat 06/07



Grace & Michael O’Brien



Sun 07/07








To ensure that a mass time is available please telephone the parish office to make a booking.





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