Weekly Bulletin

St John the Apostle Parish
Missionaries of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Established 1972

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time                          Year B
13 October 2024                                                #46.24

 Gods Word - Alive and Active

Today’s readings draw attention to how God's Word cuts through the surface of our lives, exposing what we often cannot see ourselves, while inviting us into deeper freedom in Christ.

St Paul tells the Hebrews—"The word of God is something alive and active...it can judge the secret emotions and thoughts"—this reminds us that no amount of external obedience or rule-following can hide the true state of our hearts. The rich man was righteous by worldly standards, yet Jesus’ call cuts deeper, piercing beyond his outward life into the innermost recesses of his soul. His attachment to wealth was not visible to others, but God saw it clearly.

The double-edged sword of the Word reveals the hidden attachments, fears, and desires we often mask with good behaviour. In the case of the rich man, his wealth was not simply material; it was a symbol of security and self-reliance. His possessions represented something much deeper—perhaps his identity, his sense of control, or his belief in his own worth. The Word of God, sharper than any sword, slips through those places where our soul clings to the spirit of this world rather than to the Spirit of God.

This encounter between Jesus and the rich man challenges us to examine our own lives in light of God’s Word. What are the attachments that bind us? What comforts or securities prevent us from following Christ fully?

At the same time, Jesus’ words about wealth should not be reduced to a simple renunciation of material things. His call to the rich man is an invitation to radical discipleship—one that requires a heart fully devoted to God, free from the false securities of this world. Jesus’ sharp and challenging words expose the truth: the kingdom of God is a place where worldly power, possessions, and status have no hold.

In the end, the Word of God not only reveals but heals. Jesus looks at the rich man with love before offering His difficult command. That love is the heart of God’s Word—alive and active, cutting away what separates us from Him, but always with the intent of bringing us closer.

 May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be everywhere loved……….forever! 


The central place of the Heart of Christ

In Jesus creation give itself to God totally; it loses itself in God, its supreme rapture and aspiration. And doesn’t this union of love take place above all in the Sacred Heart? The Heart of God hastens down to God’s creation, borne by the weight of an infinite love, and the heart of creation rises towards God, drawn by an attraction that dominates all others.
It is in Jesus that these two hearts meet, and they unite so profoundly that the two hearts become one, and this single Heart is the fruit both of heaven and of earth:
“See the sprout of which the Prophets spoke! The heavens have given it like dew, the clouds have poured it out like rain, and the earth has seen it spring from within it. Creation has a purpose, it has one fruit to produce: it is your Heart, my Jesus!”

 Jules Chevalier msc 
Le Sacr -Coeur de Jésus, p. 76. Paris, 1900




Jesus just wants us

In our Gospel today we hear the story of a man who when Jesus tells him to sell everything and ‘follow me’ he walks away. The story says the man went away sad because he had much. 

If we look at our own lives, we can most likely think of something that we tightly carry with us. Maybe it is possessions — material goods or money — like Jesus references in our Gospel. Or maybe it is something less material — like status, pride or control.

Jesus doesn’t want our stuff — our job promotions, our designer house or our bank account. He just wants us. So, we need to be willing to strip those things from our lives in order to reach Him. It might seem difficult, but the outcome will be more than we could have ever imagined — peace on earth and treasure in heaven.




Friday 25 October 
Mass – 11:00am 
Lunch – 12 noon 

The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick will be celebrated during this mass. 

Following the mass lunch will be served in the church foyer. 
 We would like to assist those who are housebound and cannot normally attend Mass to join this special Mass and lunch. 

Please contact the parish office if you, or someone you know, would like to attend but needs assistance with transportation.


Please complete your November mass intention envelope and return it to the parish office.  We would appreciate receiving these before 31 October. The names of your deceased loved ones who you want to remember during the month of November will be read out before the Monday weekday mass. We will also continue to have mass intentions during the month of November for those anniversaries and intentions that occur during that month.


Friday 1 November 

9:30am and 6:00pm Mass

 Saturday 2 November 
9:30am Mass
The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed  


Saturday 2 November 

Register your interest. Scan your phone camera on the QR Code and complete the online form.
The Library will display books on St Francis of Assisi and creation for the month of October.
Titles include The Perfect Joy of St Francis and Ask the Beasts – Darwin and the God of love

Catholic Women’s Taskforce Annual Fundraising Dinner
The 2024 Catholic Women’s Taskforce annual fundraising dinner for MacKillop House, Lyneham will take place on
1st November 2024 at the Canberra Southern Cross Club at 6.30pm. For more information or to register go to
https://www.catholicvoice.org.au/event/cwtad/ Enquiries: Monica Phelan on 0413 315 486

10 November – 10:00am 
You are welcome to join the 50th Anniversary mass followed by celebratory BBQ. 

To register for catering purposes: www.stthomassquinascharnwood.com 

The Marian Procession
27 October | 10:00am
An Ecumenical Rosary Procession, with Mass Celebrated At Goulburn' s iconic Old Cathedral of Sts Peter and Paul's by Archbishop Prowse.

in the parish library.

Relax, Review, Reflect 
We will be watching  


25 October 2024 -  7:00pm

Columban Calendars $10.00 each

Thursday Night before 1st Friday 

Prayer before the Blessed Sacrament 
Gethsemane Thursday 31 October 7:30 – 8:30pm

Could you not stay awake with me one hour. 
Matt 26:40


1st Friday of every month  9:30am  
Sacred Heart Mass Intention
1 November 
The heart is the centre of our being, and the seat of our emotions and love.

The Sacred Heart of Jesus symbolizes his great love for humanity. Jesus initiated this devotion out of his great love for us.
Connecting with people living alone 
2nd Tuesday of the month Coffee Group 

12 November at 2:00pm
Ichi Café at Kippax Contact: Barbara Mawson 6254 7989 

3rd Sunday of the month gathering 20 October
We will be attending the Speakers Forum at Kangara Waters Community Hall
Sunday October 20 - 2:00pm
No meeting in the parish centre


SJA Men’s Group 
Meeting Monthly 6:00pm – 8:00pm 
Next gathering: Friday 18 October 
St John the Apostle Parish Centre
For more information contact the parish office. 


Chevalier Day Monday 
21 October 2024 

120th Anniversary of the death of Fr. Jules Chevalier – founder of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart 

Morning tea will be served after 9:30am mass 
[Please note there will be NO ADORATION]

Pins & Needles 
            Mon 21 October – 7:15pm 
Parish Library

St John the Apostle Women’s Breakfast 
Tuesday - 29 October – 7:30am 

 Bean Origin 
5/32 Nettlefold St, Belconnen

St John’s Friendship Group 

next meeting on Wednesday 30 October for Mass at 9:30am, 
followed by morning tea in the parish centre. 

Please come and join us, you are all most welcome. 
Please bring a plate to share.

Youth Group
Young Christian Students
Students Years 7 -  12

Next Meeting: 

Contact the Parish Office for more information kippax@cg.org.au 

There is a family of plovers on the church grounds.
They swoop to protect their eggs and young.
No cash? No problem. 
Use the Tap machine. 
Help support your parish financially through regular giving. 
Telephone the parish office for more details.

 Bequest  Have you ever thought of leaving
a Bequest to your parish?

By remembering your faith community in your Will, you contribute to the spiritual legacy that has enriched your life. Your bequest ensures the continuation of the traditions, teachings, and support that have shaped your journey.

Fertility Care Program

Do you want to know more about how your menstrual and fertility cycle works?

Are you looking for something to manage your fertility that is entirely natural?

The FertilityCare, Creighton Model System (CrMs) is based upon the knowledge and understanding of naturally-occurring phases of a women's fertility and infertility.

To find out more or arrange a consultation please text 0474 728 868 or email mianuvicare@aol.com . Further information available at


 Becoming Catholic  
If you or you know someone who would like to become Catholic,
please contact the parish office for more information. 


Have you noticed the Safeguarding poster in the foyer? 
Do you know who our Safeguarding Officers are?

St John the Apostle Parish Kippax is committed to the care, wellbeing and protection of children, young people and people at risk in our community.

Safeguarding is a shared responsibility


20 Oct                   Acolyte Roster


Helen Kennedy, John Drury


Maria Scarr, Francesca Deklin


Rose Benedictos, Boni Benedictos


Nunga Umaru,


20 Oct                   Lector Roster


Joe Catanzariti, Therese Kerchar


Carmel Screen, Darren Maharaj


Libby Kain, Margaret Luck


Bernadette Murnane, Margaret Luck


20 Oct                   Ministers of Communion


Gordon Donnir, Marie McKie


Theresia Suh, Sigrid Kropp


Sugi Mohanadas, Marini Ignatius


Charlotte D’Cruze, Lionel D’Cruzed

20 Oct                   Hospitality Roster


Carol Moore, Barbara Mawson


Clyde Sloan, Norma Sloan


Margaret Sheehan


Brian Mahony, Vigi Varghese


20 Oct                   SJAShop




Sabina Van Rooy




Jenny McGee

Weekly Rosters

Altar Society

13 Oct

Pat Gilchrist

Church Cleaning:

14 Oct

Christine Lancaster,
Pam Connor, 
Shovin Weerawarnakula


Let us pray for those who are sick - we remember them in our Masses.

Recently Deceased:    


Clara Di Pauli, Norma Flood, Henryk Jalocha, Verdi Guy, Dolores Mansillas, Iosif Szakal, Raymond Dummett, Gwen Jones, John Whigham, Eugenia Wlodarczyk, Connie Thomas, Brenda Boreham, Bradley Wattam, Luke White Audrey Walker, Michael O’Neill, Margaret Van Halderen, Lauri Brennan, Malcolm Waterton, Edwardus Van Audenaerde, Jeffrey Ashauer, Peter Naughton, Justin Fisher, George Heath, Matthew Nelson, Fedor Sonnenberg, Angela Bajrami, Chee Keng Loh, Bruce Davis, Sebastian Licciarrello, Patrick Hall, Richard Koch, Cheryl Tramantini, Ursula Gormely, Constance Goodall, Carmel Johnston, Johannes Blengst, Michael McKenzie-McHarg, Robert Imber, Ross Webber, Lorreli Newton

Mass Intentions the week of   
14 - 20 October

Mon 14/10

Special Intention

Wed 16/10

Joe Mewburn

Thur 17/10

Melvyn D’Souza

Fri 18/10

Special Intention


Sat 19/10



Gordon Riggs Sr



Sun 20/10



Parish Intentions


O’Brien Family


Special Intention

To ensure that a mass time is available 
please telephone the parish office to make a booking.






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