Weekly Bulletin

St John the Apostle Parish
Missionaries of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Established 1972

The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ         Year B
2 June 2024                                                       #27.24
The Bread of Sinners

The Eucharist is God’s response to the deepest hunger of the human heart, the hunger for authentic life because in the Eucharist Christ himself is truly in our midst to nourish, console and sustain us on our life’s journey.  

In the Eucharist, we encounter the one who gave everything for us, who sacrificed himself in order to give us life, who loved us to the end. The Eucharist impels us to a strong and committed love of neighbour. We cannot truly understand or live the meaning of the Eucharist if our hearts are closed to our brothers and sisters, especially those who are poor, suffering, weary or may have gone astray in life.  

The Eucharist reveals the strength to love those who have made mistakes. When we receive the Eucharist, Jesus does the same with us: he knows us; he knows we are sinners; and he knows we make many mistakes, but he does not give up on joining his life to ours. He knows that we need it, because the Eucharist is not the reward of saints, no, it is the Bread of sinners.  

Each time we participate in the Eucharist, Jesus comes and gives us the strength to love like he loved, because the Eucharist gives us the courage to encounter others, to go out of ourselves and to open ourselves to others with love.  

We become credible witnesses to the joy and transforming beauty of the Gospel only when we recognize that the love, we celebrate in the Eucharist cannot be kept to ourselves but demands that we go out and share the Good News with everyone.  

The Eucharist is the source of our life in the church. It is the beating heart of the church where we receive the life of Christ as the body of Christ.  

Taken from Pope Francis’ address to US Catholics June 2023 & Reflection, by Nick Brodie 

 May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be everywhere loved……….forever! 


The Eucharist, memorial of all the miracles of Jesus

The Eucharist is the centre of the Sacraments that communicates  to us the power of our redemption. It is a mysterious abyss where resides the source of all graces; it prolongs and multiplies in this valley of tears the presence of God incarnate. It renews the sacrifice of Calvary; it extends the incarnation of the Word in each of the members of God’s mystical body. It is the glorification on earth of nature and of humanity. It perfects supremely the supernatural life by the most intimate union that can be conceived here below between God and his creature. It is the pledge of our resurrection and of our glorification in heaven. It is the glory of the Church, the profound symbol and active centre of its unity. The holy Eucharist is the masterpiece and the ultimate limit of the love of the Heart of Jesus for us. It comes from his Heart like a river from its source.  

Jules Chevalier msc Le Sacré Coeur de Jésus p.214. Paris 1900



This is my Body – This is my Blood

Our Gospel today recounts the Last Supper. As Jesus ate the Passover meal with His apostles, He broke bread, telling them, “This is my Body,” and again, poured wine, saying, “This is my Blood… which will be shed for many.” In this moment, Jesus sacrificially gave us Himself in the Eucharist by foreshadowing His passion, death and resurrection. 

Out of total love, Jesus holds nothing back from us. He gives us His entire self. 
As life becomes busy and our minds are filled with the countless things we must get done each day, we often forget to acknowledge our Saviour or to spend time with Him throughout our week; or to accept all the graces He wishes to bestow on us. So let us stop and take time to recognize the real presence of our Saviour in our lives.




This weekend, we welcome the children of our parish who will receive 
Jesus in the Eucharist for the first time: 

Archie Amstiens, Kyler Asence, Ivy Blackwell, Tess Burrell, Imogen Clark, Lachlan Frankcom, Pia Gallana, Chloe Han, Martin Howes, 
Austin Kadavan, Daniel Kadavan, Mackenzie Knight, Daniel Koroma, 
Austin Matthews, Charlotte McCabe, Annika Nilsson, Roger Patrzalek, 
Isabelle Stachura, Ellie Tabisz, Zoe Tabisz, Simon Tran. 

Lord, bless these children.
May this day be the step toward a 
life-long love of the Eucharist.
Explore the topic: 
'Sharing in Jesus' Belief in God'
Fr Michael Fallon MSC

Monday, 3 June 2024, 7:30pm to 9:00 pm.

The evening will be presented on Zoom. To register, visit bit.ly/LCFreflection24 and complete the Google form (or email us at aus.lcf@gmail.com) so we can send you the Zoom link.

It's an opportunity for prayer, reflection, and sharing
Feast of the Sacred Heart 
Friday 7 June 2024  

The Missionaries of the Sacred of Jesus will be celebrating this feast day across the globe. At St John the Apostle Parish we will celebrate at the 9:30am mass followed by morning tea in the church foyer.

The parish office will be closed on 
Monday 10 June Kings Birthday

Archbishop's St Mary MacKillop Pilgrimage 
Our Lady Star of the Sea Church 
88 Calle Calle Street Eden

Saturday 3 August 2024 leaving 

St Christopher’s Cathedral by own transport at 7:30am Bookings: https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing/1228948?

Connecting with people living alone 
2nd Tuesday of the month Coffee Group 
11 June at 2:00pm
Ichi Café at Kippax Contact: Barbara Mawson 6254 7989 

3rd Sunday of the month gathering 
16 June at 4:00pm – 5:30pm Parish Centre

Pins & Needles 

Monday 17 June – 7:15pm
Parish Library

St John the Apostle Women’s Breakfast 
Tuesday - 25 June – 7:30am 

 Bean Origin 

5/32 Nettlefold St, Belconnen

St John’s Friendship Group 

next meeting on Wednesday 26 June for Mass at 9:30am, 
followed by morning tea in the parish centre. 

Please come and join us, you are all most welcome. 
Please bring a plate to share.  

in the parish library.

Relax, Review, Reflect 

We will be watching 

No cash? No problem. 
Use the Tap machine. 
Help support your parish financially through regular giving. 
Telephone the parish office for more details.

St. Thomas More Forum – 14 June Engaging an AI Generation

Lecture Keynote Speaker         Fr Rob Galea, Founder FRG and ICON Ministry 

Venue:                                 Mercure Hotel, Braddon

Cost:                                    $99 (Two Course Dinner and Wine)

Book Now https://bit.ly/stmf-140624
Or Call 0416823447 or email forum@stthomasmore.org.au

Bequest  Have you ever thought of leaving

a Bequest to your parish?

By remembering your faith community in your Will, you contribute to the spiritual legacy that has enriched your life. Your bequest ensures the continuation of the traditions, teachings, and support that have shaped your journey.

Fertility Care Program

Do you want to know more about how your menstrual and fertility cycle works?

Are you looking for something to manage your fertility that is entirely natural?

The FertilityCare, Creighton Model System (CrMs) is based upon the knowledge and understanding of naturally-occurring phases of a women's fertility and infertility.

To find out more or arrange a consultation please text 0474 728 868 or email mianuvicare@aol.com . Further information available at


 Becoming Catholic  
If you or you know someone who would like to become Catholic,
please contact the parish office for more information. 


9 June                  Acolyte Roster 


Anthony & Chitra Jayawardena


Maria Scarr & Frank Craddock


Peter Kain


Carl Madsen & Joy McInerney 

9 June                  Lector Roster 


Paul McGrath & Therese Kercher


Sigrid Kropp & Mariana Rollgejser


Pam Connor & Bernadette Murnane


Meg Millband & Brian Mahony

9 June                  Ministers of Communion 


Maria Catanzariti & Marian England


Shane Murtagh & Carmel Screen


Frank Colley & Margarete Gill


John McGee & Marian Crowley

9 June                  Hospitality Roster 


Jenny Maher & Mercia Needham


Mandy Lalor & Wendy Wade


Shovin Weerawarnakula & Francesca Deklin


Sabina Van Rooy


9 June                  SJAShop 


Mercia Needham




Margaret Sheehan


John McGee

Weekly Rosters


Altar Society

2 June

Margaret Ferguson

Church Cleaning:

10 June

Christine Lancaster
Shovin Weerawarnakula

Pam Connor



Let us pray for those who are sick - we remember them in our Masses.

Recently Deceased:   



Maxwell Harmer, Anna Pisciotta, Bette Rutter, Beryl Moulis, Mary Clynch, David Mather,
Wally Chymko, Eric Duve, Olga Sarran, Margaret Coker-Godson, Terry Sheppard,
Neryl Hogan, Roxanne Le Cornu, Stefanie Seaton, Mary Stinton, Margaret Keogh, Thomas Guy, Stephen Carew, Elizabeth   Strike, Jack Draper, Marie Johnson,
Evelyn Weinman, Ian Cupitt, 
Geoffrey Steward, Denise Doyle, John Bray,
Dorothea Guilfoyle, Ilona Ham, Elsie Dickason, Robert Scarr. 

Mass Intentions the week of 3-9 June 

Mon 03/06

Luke James Prebble

Wed 05/06

Veronica Brennan

Thur 06/06

Doris Galea

Fri 07/06

Robert Scarr


Sat 08/06






Sun 09/06





Luke James Prebble


Reg Brandis


 To ensure that a mass time is available please telephone the parish office to make a booking.





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