

Weekly Bulletin

St John the Apostle Parish
Missionaries of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Established 1972

20th Sunday in Ordinary Time                          Year B
18 August 2024                                                 #38.24

Spiritual Nourishment

In the ancient world, to consume someone's flesh and blood was to take into oneself their very being—their essence, teachings, and spirit. This idea resonates powerfully in Jesus' words. When he speaks of eating his flesh and drinking his blood, he is inviting his followers to fully absorb and internalize everything he stands for. This is an invitation to embrace his teachings, his love, his sacrifice, and his very life.

Jesus goes on to say, "Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in them" (John 6:56). To partake in the Eucharist is to enter into a profound union with Christ. It is a mutual indwelling—Christ lives in us, and we live in him. This is not a mere metaphor but a deep spiritual reality.

The act of eating the bread and drinking the wine in the Eucharist is a tangible expression of this spiritual truth. It is an outward sign of an inward grace. Through this sacrament, believers receive spiritual nourishment that sustains them in their journey of faith.

This passage also emphasizes the eternal life that Jesus promises to those who partake in the Eucharist. "Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up on the last day" (John 6:54). This promise is a source of hope and assurance for believers. It signifies that through the Eucharist, we are united with Christ not only in this life but also in the life to come. The Eucharist is a foretaste of the heavenly banquet, a promise of resurrection and eternal life with God.

In receiving the Eucharist, we are called to a radical act of faith. We are invited to surrender our lives to Christ, to allow his presence to transform us from within. This transformation is not just a personal experience but a communal one. Through the Eucharist, we are united with our fellow believers in a bond of love and fellowship. We become the body of Christ, called to live out his mission in the world.

Based on: Gospel Reflection, by Greg Sunter 


 May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be everywhere loved……….forever! 

Spiritual Reading

Reading spiritual books is good for souls who aim at perfection. It nourishes them with good sentiments and instructs them about their duties. Spiritual books prepare for prayer, and often bring it to completion.

Spiritual reading is actually more useful than a conversation with the authors themselves. For what you have read once, you can return to, read again and meditate on often until you have made it your own completely. Since perfection consists in seeking in all things the will of God and doing it, apply yourselves to the reading of spiritual books. If you do that with attention, and desire to profit from it, this reading will give light to your soul and make you know the ways of God.

Jules Chevalier msc
Ecole du Sacr -Coeur, p. 163f  Issoudun, 1892



Receiving the Eucharist with gratitude

If we really spent time contemplating the gift our Lord is offering us in the Eucharist, we would be awestruck at the love and power in this gift. Through it, our Lord is giving us the very best He has to give — Himself. Not even the greatest theological scholar or the holiest of saints can fully understand this mystery.
Thankfully we don’t need to be a saint or a scholar to receive this gift. But we should do our best to receive the Eucharist with gratitude. And we can look to today’s readings to glean two fundamental principles for becoming better Christian stewards.
The Eucharist is the foundation for a stewardship way of life. Through His gift of the Eucharist, God fills us with His love and strength. This love and strength empower us to live as generous stewards — to be faithful to the ministries we serve in, joyful in material giving, and offer our very best to our families and secular work.




Have you noticed the Safeguarding poster in the foyer?

Do you know who our Safeguarding Officers are?

St John the Apostle Parish Kippax is committed to the care, wellbeing and protection of children, young people and people at risk in our community.

Safeguarding is a shared responsibility

PPC MEMBERSHIP Why the Parish Pastoral Council needs YOU (or someone you know…)

Parish Pastoral Council’s (PPC) responsibility is to assist the parish priest discern the present and future direction of the Parish through research, prayer, reflection and dialogue.

There are nomination forms in the foyer for you to complete and return to the parish office no later than Sunday 1 September.



To contact Fr. Tru use the following email address:


Thursday 29 August 
7:00pm – 8:00pm 
Discussing the pastoral ministry sto SJA Kippax and STA Charnwood by the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart of Jesus [MSC] 

Register your interest by clicking on the QR Code and completing the online form.


Saturday 2 November

What's with the blue tubs?

Due to increasing demand, your local Vinnies group is introducing a new initiative called "One Thing More' into the Parish. The idea is that you buy one thing more when doing your weekly / fortnightly grocery shop, which you drop into one of the blue tubs when you come to Church. It shouldn't be expensive (eg a bag of pasta that's on 'special', a can of tuna etc), but it does need to be non-perishable. Vinnies will collect the donations and distribute them to people calling us for help during the week. It's a very small thing, but if enough people contribute, then together we can make a big difference.

THANK YOU to everyone who has been able to contribute to Vinnies' 'One Thing More' initiative. An example of how you've helped: we were able to provide food to a single mum whose electronic voucher wasn't working so she had food for her children until a replacement card was organised.



Stay for a cuppa

Join us in the parish foyer after the 10:00am mass on Sunday
25 August for a cuppa. While you indulge in a coffee catch up with parishioners or introduce yourself to someone you do not know. Feel free to bring something to share. All are welcome! We look forward to seeing you there.


Anyone wanting help please leave a message for Jenny McGee on 0481 706 966
Columban Calendars $10.00 each

1st Friday of every month 9:30am  
Sacred Heart Mass Intention
6 September
The heart is the centre of our being, and the seat of our emotions and love.
The Sacred Heart of Jesus symbolizes his great love for humanity. Jesus initiated this devotion out of his great love for us.

Thursday Night before 1st Friday 

Prayer before the Blessed Sacrament 
Gethsemane Thursday 5 September 7:30 – 8:30pm

Could you not stay awake with me one hour. 
Matt 26:40

Connecting with people living alone 
2nd Tuesday of the month Coffee Group 
10 September at 2:00pm
Ichi Café at Kippax Contact: Barbara Mawson 6254 7989 

3rd Sunday of the month gathering 
15 September 
St John the Apostle Parish Centre
4:00pm - 5:30pm


Pins & Needles 

Monday 16 September  – 7:15pm
Parish Library

St John the Apostle Women’s Breakfast 
Tuesday - 27 August – 7:30am 

 Bean Origin 

5/32 Nettlefold St, Belconnen

St John’s Friendship Group 

next meeting on Wednesday 28 August for Mass at 9:30am, 
followed by morning tea in the parish centre. 

Please come and join us, you are all most welcome. 
Please bring a plate to share.  

in the parish library.

Relax, Review, Reflect 

We will be watching 


SJA Men’s Group 
Meeting Monthly  6:00pm – 8:00pm 
For more information contact the parish office. 
Next gathering: Friday 20 September
 St John the Apostle Parish Centre

Anointing of the Sick after Mass
Friday 30 August

No cash? No problem. 
Use the Tap machine. 
Help support your parish financially through regular giving. 
Telephone the parish office for more details.

 Bequest  Have you ever thought of leaving
a Bequest to your parish?

By remembering your faith community in your Will, you contribute to the spiritual legacy that has enriched your life. Your bequest ensures the continuation of the traditions, teachings, and support that have shaped your journey.

Fertility Care Program

Do you want to know more about how your menstrual and fertility cycle works?

Are you looking for something to manage your fertility that is entirely natural?

The FertilityCare, Creighton Model System (CrMs) is based upon the knowledge and understanding of naturally-occurring phases of a women's fertility and infertility.

To find out more or arrange a consultation please text 0474 728 868 or email . Further information available at  

 Becoming Catholic  
If you or you know someone who would like to become Catholic,
please contact the parish office for more information. 


25 Aug                  Acolyte Roster


Anthony Jayawardena, Chitra Jayawardena


Sigrid Kropp, Lourdes Asoy


Anthony Noakes, Dennis Puniard


Sabina Van Rooy, Peter Polkinghorne


25 Aug                  Lector Roster


Judy Netting, Gordon Donnir


Shane Murtagh, Victoria Gonzales


Marini Ignatius, Edgar Nnajide


Marian Crowley, Andrew Luck


25 Aug                  Ministers of Communion


John Drury, Laurine Smeaton


Darren Maharaj, Maureen Burgess


Boni Benedictos, Rosa Benedictos


Brian Mahony, Priscilla Momi

25 Aug                  Hospitality Roster


Joan Galpin, Marie McKie


Joan Beswick, Pamela Blackwell


Margarete Gill, Marini Ignatius


Francesca Deklin, Joy McInerneys


25 Aug                  SJAShop






Judy Mewburn



Weekly Rosters

Altar Society

18 Aug

Mary Cruickshank

Church Cleaning:

19 Aug

Caroly Blyth, Nishan Upasena,
Dushyanthi Upasena

Let us pray for those who are sick - we remember them in our Masses.

Recently Deceased: Annie Gill [mother of Tony]   

Anniversary:   Denise Smith, Lesley Givens, Leslie Ferry, Ray Allen, George Brettell, Horst Lawatsch, Margaret Chinn, James Marlor, Iris Schofield, Zenona Skiba, Emily Jacob, William Smith, John Ray, Joseph Zuk, Ronald Ryan, Alfred Niquet, Jill McNevin, Majorie Carew, Edmund Kennedy, Alexander Aikman, Hedwig Von Straaten, Winifred Bridges, Joseph Weinheber, Andres Munoz, Tere Fearon, Bill Fearon, Ann Yoo, Sheila Dignam, Antonia Mrsnik, Armando Cavuoto, Patrick Sheehan, Barry Cormack



Mass Intentions the week of 19 - 25 August


Mon 19/08

Mary Sumitra & Agostin


Special Intention

Thur 22/08

Melvyn D’Souza

Fri 23/08

Anne Hartney


Sat 24/08






Sun 25/08








To ensure that a mass time is available please telephone the parish office to make a booking.






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