Weekly Bulletin

St John the Apostle Parish
Missionaries of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Established 1972
Sixth Sunday of Easter                                       Year B
5 May 2024                                                      #23.24

 Remain in my love.  

In today’s gospel Jesus begins by stating that He remains in the Father's love and invites His disciples to do the same. This sets the foundation for understanding the nature of the love Jesus speaks of—it is rooted in the eternal and unchanging love of God. To "remain in my love" is to abide in this divine love, to make it our dwelling place and source of strength.  

Remaining in Jesus' love involves more than a fleeting feeling or momentary experience. It implies a deep and abiding connection, a commitment to living out the love that Jesus exemplified in His life and teachings. This love is not passive but active, seeking to express itself in acts of kindness, compassion, and selflessness.  

Furthermore, the command to "remain in my love" highlights the importance of relationship and intimacy with Jesus. Just as branches draw sustenance from the vine, we find our spiritual nourishment and vitality by staying connected to Jesus. This connection is nurtured through prayer, Scripture, sacraments, and a life of discipleship.  

As we "remain in my love," we also enter into a community of love with fellow sojourners. Jesus' command to love one another as He has loved us reinforces the interconnectedness of this love within the body of Christ. It's a love that transcends barriers and differences, uniting us in our shared identity as beloved children of God.  

Practically, remaining in Jesus' love requires surrendering our will to His, aligning our desires with His purposes, and allowing His love to transform us from within. It means letting go of selfishness, pride, and anything that hinders us from fully experiencing and expressing His love.  

Ultimately, the call to "remain in my love" is an invitation to a life of deep joy, peace, and fulfillment. It's a journey of ongoing growth and transformation, where our hearts become increasingly attuned to the heartbeat of God's love and our lives become a reflection of that love to the world around us.  

 May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be everywhere loved……….forever! 


 The Gift of Love

It is not enough for love to be shared: it must be shared freely. The gift of love is the gift of the power and the capacity to love, and, therefore, to give love with full effect is also to receive it. So, love can only be kept by being given away, and it can only be given perfectly when it is also received. 

To love another is to will what is good for them. Such love must be based on truth. To love others well we must first love the truth. 

The truth we must love in our brothers and sisters is God living in them. 

If we know God, our identification of ourselves with those we love will be patterned on our union with God, and subordinate to it. 

We are called to love one another. We are not strictly bound to “like” one another. Love governs the will; “liking” is a matter of sense and sensibility. There is no true love except in God, who is the source both of our own being and of the being we love.  

Taken from: Love, by Thomas Merton 



Love as Christ Loves

Our readings today call us to love as Christ loves. We are called to imitate this love. The more we find ways to love the Lord, the more we will find it easier to put aside our selfishness and serve others.
The fact of the matter is, as our love for Christ increases, so too does our capacity to love others.  
Christ’s command to love others may seem daunting. Yet, Christ would never ask something of us that we cannot live out. All we need to do is take baby steps. Ask yourself, "How can I better love Jesus right now?" For it is in loving Christ that we will better love others, and it is in loving others that we love Christ Himself.  



 What is your Mother Tongue?

On Pentecost Sunday, the Apostles filled with the Holy Spirit, spoke in many different tongues. We would like to hear prayers from different languages embracing the diversity of our parish. Are you a parishioner whose mother tongue is not English? If you would be willing to read a Prayer of the Faithful in your first language at your Mass on the weekend of
19 May – Pentecost Sunday, then please contact the parish office by Friday 10 May on 6254 3236 or kippax@cg.org.au

The English version will be on the overhead so that the congregation can understand.

Sacrament of First Holy Communion Presentation Masses

The children of the parish are preparing for the Sacrament of the Eucharist. They will be presented to the parish at the masses this weekend. The Sacrament will be celebrated on the weekend of 1-2 June

Would you please hold all the children and their families in your prayers. Thank you.

Feast of Our Lady of Fatima
 Monday 13 May 2024
the Rosary will commence at 8:00am
On 19 May I'm undertaking the Walk to Fight Parkinson's and raising funds to support life-changing research and improve services for people living with Parkinson's.

Sadly, 1 Australian is diagnosed with Parkinson’s every 40 minutes and there is currently no cure. I'm doing my part to change this by getting active and fundraising for people impacted by Parkinson's.

Please sponsor me today and make a real difference to progress life-changing research and improve services to maximise choice, independence and wellbeing for people living with Parkinson's.

Head to my fundraising page.
Thank you, Ted Kell.


Pins & Needles 

Monday 20 May – 7:15pm
Parish Library

St John the Apostle Women’s Breakfast 
Tuesday - 27 May – 7:30am 

 Bean Origin 

5/32 Nettlefold St, Belconnen

St John’s Friendship Group 

next meeting on Wednesday 29 May for Mass at 9:30am, 
followed by morning tea in the parish centre. 

Please come and join us, you are all most welcome. 
Please bring a plate to share.  

Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is celebrated on
the last Friday of each month after the 9:30am mass.
Next anointing will be 31 May.

We need at least 6 more volunteers for the Church Cleaning RosterThis would then give us 8 cleaning groups which would mean that each group would then clean every 2nd month ♥ 6 times a year.


Please contact the parish office 6254 3236 or kippax@cg.org.au 
Thank you for your support and dedication to our parish.


in the parish library.

Relax, Review, Reflect 

We will be watching


Bequest  Have you ever thought of leaving
a Bequest to your parish?

By remembering your faith community in your Will, you contribute to the spiritual legacy that has enriched your life. Your bequest ensures the continuation of the traditions, teachings, and support that have shaped your journey.

Fertility Care Program

Do you want to know more about how your menstrual and fertility cycle works?

Are you looking for something to manage your fertility that is entirely natural?

The FertilityCare, Creighton Model System (CrMs) is based upon the knowledge and understanding of naturally-occurring phases of a women's fertility and infertility.

To find out more or arrange a consultation please text 0474 728 868 or email mianuvicare@aol.com . Further information available at


 Becoming Catholic  
If you or you know someone who would like to become Catholic,
please contact the parish office for more information. 


12 May                  Acolyte Roster


Anthony and Chitra Jayawardena


Maria Scarr, Frank Craddock


Peter Kain


Carl Madsen, Joy McInerney

12 May                  Lector Roster


Paul McGrath, Therese Kercher


Sigrid Kropp, Mariana Rollgejser


Pam Connor, Kelechi Nnajide


Meg Millband, Brian Mahony

12 May                  Ministers of Communion


Maria Catanzariti, Marian England


Shane Murtagh, Carmel Screen


Frank Colley, Margarete Gill


John McGee, Dushyanthi Upasena

12 May                  Hospitality Roster


Jenny Maher


Mandy Lalor


Judy Kenny, Shovin Weerawarnakula


Sabina Van Rooy

12 May                  SJAShop






Margaret Sheehan


John McGee

Weekly Rosters

Altar Society

5 May

Margaret Ferguson


11 May

Rob Breen, Mike Blyth, David Momi

Church Cleaning:

5 May

John O’Heir, Pat Keenan, 
Debbie & Ted Milne


Let us pray for those who are sick - we remember them in our Masses.

Recently Deceased:   


Anna Clobus, Neil White, Gertrude Harridence, John Schmich, Pauline O’Gorman,
John Braddon, John Costelloe, Lillian Boyd, Ruth Lloyd, Jack Draper, Robert Griffiths, Matthew Ray, 
Helen Kelly, Lawrence Southwick, Andrew Harker, Jeremy Hope, Zeffirina Penfold, Kenneth Brennan, Krysta Lindstrom, Harrison Wroe, Antonia Gladwish, 
Pat McLindin, Kevin Crossley, Sarah Sealey, Betty Cowman, Edna Hamilton,
Robert Donovan, 
Elena D’Ambrosio, Hemult Wanda, Bryan McGurgan, Marie Millucci.


Mass Intentions the week of 6 -12 May

Mon 06/05

Mary Sumitra & Raman Nicholas

Wed 08/05

Donna Hogan

Thur 09/05


Fri 10/05



Sat 11/05






Sun 12/05



Sophie Riggs


Albert Gomez



 To ensure that a mass time is available 

please telephone the parish office to make a booking.





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